Monday, October 26, 2009

Mondays and Ministry

As I sit here sipping a halfway decent cup of coffee listening to the gossip at the next table and enjoying watching the college students flirt their way through their shift at the bagel shop I realize that most people don't know what I am going through. It is Monday morning, yesterday I was exhausted as I stepped in the pulpit, I cried after the service as a friend declared he didn't know if God was really God, I ate lunch with good friends trying to avoid the awkwardness of the pain we have both felt this past week, took a too long nap and then taught the most horrendous lesson on adultery I have ever heard because of the immaturity of the young believers and their "off color" comments. Today it is Monday, I am desperate to see God move on behalf of the young believers, to transform their minds and draw them closer to Him.

I am struggling to understand the movement of God from week to week, to know how He will move and what to prepare for. In a couple hours I will go to work, do some ministry and play with my family. What will God do? I don't know, but I am loving every minute of it. A new friend commented Saturday night that a called pastor is reluctant, because He knows it will hurt, but God has called and so the pastor acts.

It is Monday, it hurts, but it is time to act. My 10am meeting is here, I act, Lord don't let it hurt too much.