Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Another Morning

This really isn't just another morning, my oldest daughter, Katy, has turned 8 today.  God is so Good to us.  She is smart, Loves Jesus, Teaches others about Him, is a willing Evangelist, and is a developing Leader.  God bless her in her coming years.

Posted via web from Pastor Ken Andrs

Monday, April 12, 2010

Psalm 1 -- Connected to the Source

We began a new series at LPC this past week. We are looking at the Psalms, How God's People Worship the Father through Life. On Sunday we looked at how being connected to the source allows us to connect with others in healthy ways. When we are connected to the Mockers we tend to be self centered and easily waylaid on our path to knowing Christ. When we are connected to the Father we have deep roots, we soak up the goodness of life and produce fruit that brings glory to the Father. In the midst of this growth we cannot help but come into contact with the mockers, but are we impacting them or are they impacting us? It all comes down to the source, if we are connected to the Father we will make an impact on those around us.

Blessings on your Monday,
Pastor Ken